Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Interview questions
  1. What's your dream vacation? 
Mason:  Bali
Haille:  Germany
Amanda: Bora Bora

2. What's your current favorite song ?
 Mason: " Free Bird "
Hallie: doesn't have one
Amanda: "Let you down"

3. what's your all time favorite movie
Mason: Goodwill hunting
Hallie: Brain Fart
Amanda: Pitch Perfect

4. what's dream guy or girl?
Mason: " Someone with a nice body, nice
Hallie: Blonde blue eyes
Amanda: Josh Hunt

5.whats fav animal?
Mason: Monkey 
Hallie: Tiger
Amanda: Dog

6.what's fav thing to do when your bored?
Mason: Xbox
Hallie: watch Nexflix
Amanda: Watch Movies or hang out

7.  what's your fav makeup brand?
Mason: doesn't have one
Hallie: Any makeup brand from the drug store
Amanda: Tarte

8. what's your dream job?
Mason: Pro Golfer
Hallie: Major Trophy Wife
Amanda: Cosmetology

 9. What's your favorite drink from Starbucks?
Mason: Carmel frap
Hallie: Strawberry Acai Refresher
Amanda: Vanilla bean frap

10. whats favorite makeup product?
Mason: Mascara
Hallie: Mascara
Amanda: Concealer


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Guest post

Hey, I'm mason! I know nothing about make up but Maisy wanted me to post something anyways. I have a mom and sister that love to we...